

    25年前の日本地質学会富山大会の夜間小集会「都市地質学全国協議会」で、地質汚染などで問題となっていた自然地層と人工地層との境界“人自不整合”について、地質学用語の提唱とその重要性が指摘された。提唱者の楡井久氏達をはじめとした参加者間で大議論となり、“人自不整合”が環境地質研究員会で採択されたものの、この新概念は国内で意味が深まらずに休眠状態であった。同氏は、京都で開催された29th IGC以来、 IUGS-COGEO, IUGS-GEMで長く活躍し、国際的に高い科学レベルにある日本の環境地質学の国外紹介に尽力してきている。国際GEO-PARK創立に関わるIUGS-COGEO側からのコメントにも関わっていたようである。

このような背景があったのか、”人自不整合“の用語が国際誌「The Anthropocene Review、2015」に、
The most important aspect of the declaration from the standpoint of this paper is the significance accorded to the lower bounding surface – marking the division between anthropogenically modified layers and natural geological deposits – that is known by Japanese geologists as the Jinji(人自) unconformity or discontinuity. The Chinese character for ‘Jin’ (人) means human being and that for ‘Ji’ (自) means ‘natural’. Although of particular relevance to the understanding of artificial ground in geologically unstable regions on the Japanese east coast, the boundary is also held to demarcate the lower bounding surface of humanly modified ground elsewhere in Japan and in other parts of the world. It marks the base of cultural layers of historic and ancient origin as well as heavily contaminated layers of the industrial age (Nirei et al., 2012). It is coincident with Boundary A, the lower boundary of the archaeosphere, as referred to in this paper and in Edgeworth (2014).



Matt Edgeworth, Dan deB Richter, Colin Waters, Peter Haff, Cath Neal and Simon James Price,2015,Diachronous beginnings of the Anthropocene: The lower bounding surface of anthropogenic deposits,The Anthropocene Review,1–26.
