この度,日本地質学会とロンドン地質学会は学術交流協定を締結しました.以下に,その全文を掲載いたします.また,日本地質学会の石渡 明会長とロンドン地質学会のDavid Shilston会長によって署名された協定書のコピーを示します.
この協定が締結される契機となったのは,昨年(2012年)8月にオーストラリアのブリスベーンで開催された第34回万国地質学会中に,ロンドン地質学会の4名(Edmund Nickless事務局長,Nic Bilham企画・渉外担当事務官, Angharad Hills女史[編集担当],Alan Lord国際交流担当理事)と日本地質学会の3名(石渡 明会長,サイモン・ウォリス副会長,保柳康一執行理事)との会談です.この会談では,両学会間で学術面での交流・協力を活発化させることで意見が一致し,その後のメールでの意見交換を行い,このような学術協定を締結するに至りました.その手始めとして,来年,鹿児島で開催される日本地質学会第121年学術大会では,両学会の共同で,津波堆積物に関する国際シンポジウムを開催する予定です.
Agreement for Academic Cooperation and Exchange
The Geological Society of Japan
The Geological Society of London
Article 1. This Agreement outlines the principles for establishing cooperation between the Geological Society of Japan and the Geological Society of London.
Article 2. The Geological Society of Japan and the Geological Society of London agree to promote academic cooperation between both societies through the following means.
(1) Mutual invitations to participate in scientific seminars, regular meetings and field trips
(2) Joint organization of seminars and academic meetings
(3) Joint or collaborative research activities and publications
(4) Exchange of academic and educational materials and other information
(5) Promoting other academic and education cooperation in the geo-sciences as mutually agreed
Article 3. Implementation of any of the types of cooperation mentioned in Article 2 may be restricted depending upon the availability of resources and financial support. The Societies will endeavour to obtain funding from third parties to support collaboration. The execution of this agreement will not cause any financial obligation to either Society.
Article 4. This agreement is valid for a period of five years from the date of signing by the representatives of both Societies. This Agreement may be renewed after being reviewed and re-negotiated by both Societies. Either Society may terminate this agreement by giving one month’s prior notice in writing.